- Orders will be processed and posted at the latest within two weeks after receiving payment, usually within ten days.
- Orders will be shipped via International Tracked Registered Mail. The Tracking Number will be sent to you upon posting. Worldwide orders are usually delivered to the consumer within 10-15 business days from the day of shipment. Worldwide shipping for seeds is 8€, regardless of amount of seed ordered.
- Please be aware of the customs regulations and restrictions of your country. We do not have this information for all countries. We are not responsible and cannot reimburse orders that will be confiscated at customs. However, if seed orders are returned to us promptly and in good condition we will send you a refund (80% of seed cost, minus money transfer fees).
- If you have special requests for the method and manner of international delivery please contact us before placing your order.
- Plants are only shipped to EU countries. Packing & delivery cost varies and is calculated depending on the net weight of the order.
- Orders are sent via the Greek postal system ELTA and the cooperating international postal-courier companies.
- Shipping costs for seeds in Greece is 5€. Packing and delivery cost for plants varies and is calculated depending on the net weight of the order. Most orders in Greece are delivered to the consumer within 2-4 business days from the day of shipment.
- Shipping costs in case of replacements are borne exclusively by the recipient.
- In case of return of the product due to dissatisfaction of the recipient, or refusal to accept the order then there is a shipping charge to the recipient for both shipments.
- The discount vouchers given to the customers, concern a discount on products and not on shipping costs.